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Thank you so much for your desire to support John and Chelsea. They are looking for financial support in the form of monthly giving and spiritual support in the form of prayers.



John and Chelsea are looking for financial partners who are willing to give monthly. At this time all finances will go towards funding John’s salary so that he can fully engage in ministry in Victor Haven, a pastoral residency at Downtown Hope, and seminary classes. 


All giving is handled through Estuary (learn more) which is a registered non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible with a giving statement provided at the end of the year. The link below will take you to the giving platform.

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What is John doing

The Victor Haven community is one of the more racially diverse neighborhoods in Annapolis with many multi-generational families. John has been volunteering at the local elementary school, Georgetown East, once a week to support the school and build relationships with the staff and children. In the summer, John and a VHM team member, Michael Murray, hope to host a karate class for the community families.


Once VHM is funded, Chelsea will be able to spend time creating a community platform where local organizations, political figures, and families can share information about events and resources that will help everyone feel connected. Chelsea wants to make sure this endeavor is not limited to an online presence as many in the Victor Haven community may not have access to the required technology, so it will be a balance of onlilne and print materials for engagement. 


John is working towards a Masters in the Old Testament. He was inspired by The Bible Project and wanted to learn more about how to read Ancient Hebrew to see more of the beauty that is within the Old Testament. 


John started his seminary career at Alliance Theological Seminary in 2021 and had an excellent professor teach him how to translate Ancient Hebrew. In the Spring of 2023, John began the next leg of his journey at Denver Seminary. Here he has found the curricula to be rigorous and challenging, which was exactly what John was looking for. 


In the upcoming semesters, John hopes to study Aramaic and Greek to dive more deeply into the New Testament. 


Here you can read a little more on what John has been doing with local church communitites. 


The Downtown Hope pastoral residency sprung to life as Estuary was teaching the VHM team on fund raising. John expressed his desire to be ordained and Joey, the lead of Estuary, suggested that Downtown Hope would be more than happy to assist with that desire through a pastoral residency. It will involve an assessment of John's heart-health and theological training, what areas are strong and what areas need growth, and a customized residency will be built from there.


The elders and pastoral team of Downtown Hope have approved this step and the assessment will be held July, 30, 2023. 

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